The school offers a flexible 11-18 curriculum which allows students to “develop and enhance” their basic skills whilst “deepening their learning” across a broad and balanced range of academic and applied subjects and courses.

We operate a two-year Key Stage 3. In Year 7 and 8, students follow the National Curriculum subjects. The Key Stage 3 curriculum aims to provide an excellent grounding in the core subjects (English, Mathematics, Science, Welsh, Religious Education, Personal, Health and Social Education and Physical Education) as well as the Creative Arts, the Humanities, Modern Foreign Languages, Design and Technology and Information Technology. More talented linguists will also be given the opportunity to study a second foreign language from the beginning of Year 8.

It is through this study that they develop a range of skills and competencies and a substantial body of knowledge. Students will develop excellent independent study habits through a regular diet of homework and a focus on teaching them how to learn, as well as what to learn.

In Years 9, 10 and 11 students continue following the National Curriculum Subjects in English, Mathematics, Science, Welsh (2nd Language), Physical Education, Religious Education, Personal, Health and Social Education and Welsh Baccalaureate.

We begin our options process towards the end of the spring term in Year 8 where students are guided carefully onto a range of courses in which they show both interest and aptitude. For some students we may feel it is to their advantage to sit examinations earlier in English, Mathematics and Science, however this decision will only be made after careful and thorough consideration of their needs and never to the detriment of their overall most ambitious progress.

At Post 16 we offer, as part of the successful City Partnership, an extensive range of Key Stage 5 programmes, comprising of A Levels and Applied Courses. Students have the opportunity to create programmes of study both at Radyr and at one or more of the other providers within the partnership, which maximises access and choice.

Contact Radyr

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