Dear Parent/Carer

Thank you for helping to protect the Radyr School Community by keeping your child at home until they can obtain a negative test or complete the necessary period of quarantine.
Just to remind you that pupils displaying symptoms must stay at home self-isolating for 10 days unless they can obtain a negative test. Pupils without symptoms but with a member of household displaying symptoms must stay at home for 14 days unless the household member with symptoms obtains a negative test.

If your child is at home because they have been asked to stay at home as part of Test-Trace-Protect then they must stay at home for 14 days from their last contact with the person they have been in contact with who has tested positive. In this instance, you should only seek a test if your child is symptomatic, and even if their test is negative they still need to complete their isolation period.

During this time, if they are well enough they must continue learning at home by completing the work that can be accessed by clicking on the link below:

folder_16x16.png Absence Catch Up Work

This link will take them to a set of work folders designed for each year group. Inside the year group folder you will find dated folders containing the relevant work for each subject. Your child should access the work in the relevant week and complete the tasks set. We recommend that they broadly following their timetable at home to ensure that each subject they study gets the appropriate amount of time allocated.

Faculties have made every effort to provide quality work that mirrors the work being completed in school. However, it is not possible to replicate the classroom environment at home and the work has had to be adjusted to make it accessible. For this reason, we ask that on their return to school your child makes every effort to speak to their teacher and copy up the work they have missed from class.

Kind Regards

Mr M Gubb
Director of Lower School
Mr P M Hardy
Director of Upper School

Contact Radyr

You can contact the school by email using this form - we will then route your enquiry to the appropriate member of staff. If you wish to discuss a personal matter relating to your child, please contact the school directly by telephone or named email.

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